GigaFrench Chinese

法国 – 中国

The Chinese section of GigaFrench is experimental. All translations are by Google Translator, not by humans. If you want to participate in the GigaFrench project and offer the world a free translation, please contact us via our mailing list.

To get the most out of GigaFrench,

  1. download the latest GigaFrench PDF
  2. transfer the GigaFrench audio files to your smartphone
  3. read the Strategy Papers
  4. read in particular: ‘Turbo Master Class
  5. follow the Power Listening Program


网络 + 音频

Level 1: Dieu |
音频 音频

Level 2: Changement climatique | 气候变化
音频 音频

Level 3: Avortement | 流产

Level 4: Malbouffe | 垃圾食品

Level 5: Médecine “Esthétique” | 美容医学

Level 6: Tourisme | 旅游

Level 7: Edward Snowden
(September 2016)

Level 8: Brexit

Level 9: Amours de Filles



You’ll need to install on your smartphone a so-called AB Player. With the AB Player, you’ll cut an audio file into portions of 2, 3 or 4 seconds and listen to these portions 5, 10 or even 15 or 20 times (examples: slow audio, normal audio). As you listen, read the French text and check the translation constantly. In this way you’ll be able to:

  1. figure out which word corresponds to which sound;
  2. learn the meanings of the words;
  3. memorise the spelling of the words.

Install one of these AB repeat player on your mobile device:

A Repeat Player is essential for working with the GigaFrench audio files that you’ll download from Without these audios and without the Repeat Player you can’t fully exploit the potential of GigaFrench.

