
GigaFrench is a multimedia language course with a refreshingly new approach to French and France.


  1. the free PDF (4th edition, 554 pages) and
  2. the free audio files

To get the most out of GigaFrench,

  1. read the Strategy Papers
  2. read in particular the ‘Turbo Master Class
  3. follow the Power Listening Program
  4. do the smartphone exercises

Check also the German, Italian, Spanish and Chinese edition.

God, abortion and climate change
4th Edition
Download PDF (554 pages)

GigaFrench Deutschland
Gott, Abtreibung und Klimawandel
Französisch für Deutsche
Download PDF (122 Seiten)
Webseiten (“Gott”, Klimawandel, Abtreibung, JunkFood, “Schönheits-Medizin”, Tourismus, Edward Snowden, Brexit, Amours de Filles).

GigaFrench España
Dios, aborto y cambio climático
Francés para españoles
Download PDF (40 páginas)
Páginas Web (“Dios”, cambio climático, aborto, Amores de Chicas)

GigaFrench Italia
Dio, aborto e cambiamento climatico
Francese per italiani
Download PDF (100 pagine)
Pagine Web (“Dio”, cambiamento climatico, aborto, cibo spazzatura, medicina “estetica”, turismo, Edward Snowden, Brexit).

GigaFrench China
God, abortion and climate change
Web page


Ear2Memory (E2M; install here) is a free Power Repeat app by Bernd Sebastian Kamps that will help you learn any language in the world. By efficiently managing your language audio files, E2M will enable you, within less than four months, to clearly distinguish and understand, word for word, 45 to 60 minutes of foreign speech (you’ll ‘conquer an island of total understanding’).

Install the free app and download the 60-page PDF from www.Ear2Memory.com.

Free Text & Free Audio

Before using the audio files, check the GigaFrench Power Listening Program.

  1. Dieu | God: AudioSlow audio
  2. Changement climatique | Climate change: AudioSlow audio
  3. Avortement | Abortion: AudioSlow audio
  4. Junk Food | Abortion: AudioSlow audio
  5. Médecine “esthétique”: AudioSlow audio
  6. Tourisme: AudioSlow audio
  7. Edward Snowden (coming soon)
  8. Brexit: AudioSlow audio

Second language acquisition

Surprisingly, penis length and second language acquisition have something in common. Avenues for future (language) research.


GigaFrench 2016, 4th edition, 552 pages.

A book is superior to a PDF:


1. God

Souhaitons-lui – à ce petit Dieu qui ne serait qu’un pauvre diable – de ne pas exister car nous le jugerions pour crimes contre l’Humanité. Nous avons guillotiné Louis XVI pour moins que cela. More…

Let’s wish him – this little God who would just be a poor devil – not to exist because we would put him on trial for crimes against humanity. We guillotined Louis XVI for less than that. More…

2. Climate

Le changement climatique existe-t-il ? Ou le ‘réchauffement climatique provoqué par l’homme’ n’est-il qu’une mystification? L’ouragan Sally de New York en 2012 – un détail? More…

Does climate change exist? Or is ‘global warming caused by man’ only a hoax? Hurrican Sally in New York in 2012 – a small detail? More…

3. Abortion

Pourquoi y a-t-il des pays où une femme ne peut avorter sans le consentement de son mari? More…

Why are there countries where a woman cannot abort without the consent of her husband? More…

4. Junk Food

Triste réalité : plus vous êtes pauvres, plus vous bouffez (mangez) mal. More…

A sad reality: the poorer you are, the more poorly you eat. More…

5. Botox

Le Burqistan existe-t-il? Oui, malheureusement. Imaginez cet européen qui traverse l’Atlantique pour visiter l’Équateur, les États-Unis ou le Brésil, quelle est sa toute première vision? More…

Does Burqistan exist? Unfortunately yes. Imagine a European crossing the Atlantic Ocean to visit Ecuador, the United States or Brazil, what is his very first vision? More…

6. Tourism

Le tourisme serait-il un cancer, infiltrant et métastasé, détruisant tout ce qu’il touche, et ce avec une prédilection pour le pittoresque et l’exceptionnel? More…

Would tourism be a cancer, infiltrating and metastasizing, destroying everything it touches and, what is more, with a predilection for the picturesque and the unique? More…

7. Snowden

Edward Snowden recevra-t-il un jour le Prix Nobel de la Paix? Son coup de génie le vaudrait bien. More…

Will Edward Snowden win the Nobel Peace Prize one day? His stroke of genius would be worth it. More…

8. Brexit

Vous avez donc décidé de nous quitter? Eh bien, chers amis anglais, nous vous souhaitons un bon voyage. Adieu! More…

So you have decided to leave us? Well, dear English friends, we wish you a good trip. Farewell! More…

Get more from www.AmoursDeFilles.com
100.000.000 Billets d’Amour
Download PDF (828 pages)
by Marie de France

Tu es grandiose. Ô combien tu me manques ! Les autres n’aiment pas ta curiosité et ton courage. Si je te perdais, j’en mourrais. Laissons libre cours à nos fantasmes.

English: You’re great. Oh how I miss you! Other people do not like your curiosity and courage. If I lost you, I would die. Let our fantasies run free.

Italiano: Sei grandiosa. Oh quanto mi manchi! Agli altri non piace la tua curiosità e il tuo coraggio. Se ti perdessi, ne morirei. Lasciamo libero corso alle nostre fantasie.

Español: Eres genial. ¡Oh, cómo te extraño! A los otros no les gusta tu curiosidad y tu coraje. Si te perdiera, Me moriría. Dejemos libre curso a nuestras fantasías.

Deutsch: Du bist grandios. Oh, wie sehr ich dich vermisse! Die anderen mögen deine Neugier und deinen Mut nicht. Wenn ich dich verlöre, würde ich sterben. Lassen wir unseren Phantasien freien Lauf.